Greetings from Lappeenranta!
The year is coming to an end as also 2023 board’s term. Our year has been awesome, and the board has performed successfully. We have organized successful events and got freshmen to join us in NESU. NESU-year has also brought us several wonderful encounters.
I heard about NESU conference in my first sitz party when I didn’t even really know what is NESU. Everyone, from old aunts to those who have been once in conference week, assured me that it is worth it, it is worth it all. And they weren’t wrong. In NESU conference, you could get to know old acquaintances in a completely different way, as well as completely new ones, because there is much more time in a week than, for example, during overnight stays or other events. So it left a lot of good memories, new traditions and wonderful people.
Veera Jukarainen, 2th student from NESU-Enklaavi
Excited about the upcoming year, me and my newly elected NESU-Enklaavi’s board 2023 were heading to NESU Dagen in Jyväskylä to finally meet with other new NESUits. After securing our sleeping spots, we took our brand new board shirts and put them on, realising that the color was a perfect match with Finanssi’s overalls. After receiving some praise on the color choice, NESU-Finanssi’s chairperson Venla told ”if you had only informed us, we would’ve in turn gotten ourselves neon yellow shirts”. Finklaavi at it’s best.
The new friendship that started from Dagen, eventually led far. (Althought I later found out that we had met in NESU summer cabin as well… But having very few memories from there :D) Once summer started, I was working for a company that is based in Oulu and really wanted to visit to prevent working remotely for the whole summer. Luckily I didn’t have to search far, since one message to Venla led to me staying with her for two weeks in the summer, rent free. My mom was of course amazed, how come I seem to have friends in every Finnish city I travel to. Well, that’s what NESU is all about. Connecting with people not only in your university, but with all the others as well. After my two week stay at Venla’s home, I got so much closer with my lovely hoast and even fell in love with Oulu as a city. Since then me and Venla are always super happy to see each other, and captured one of these nice moments during Enklaavi’s annual ball Sillis with me on the left, NESU-Waasas chair Inka in the middle, and Venla, my beloved Finanssi girl on the right. <3 I’m happy to call her my friend, and I believe that the future will also hold many memorable meetings of us together.
Monika Rautio, 5th student form NESU-Enklaavi
What next?
We have chosen NESU-Enklaavi’s board 2024 and we got a really wonderful group. In this year we have one more sitz, which is our legendary PTPJ -sitz. After that, we will let our new board start planning for next year. Also in January, our board 2023 and 2024 will start the year with a cottage weekend.
With love,
NESU-Enklaavi ‘23