Greetings from Jyväskylä!
The year is starting to come to an end, and it is safe to say that this year was full of memorable encounters. Before looking back on our year, we want to share a short story of one of those encounters:
“Rediscovered Connections: A Turku Tale”
While wandering through the alleyways of Turku, making my way to NESU-TuKY’s sitzparty, I unexpectedly stumbled upon a familiar face. Near the sitz place, an old friend of mine from high school, stood there smiling. That made me stop in my tracks for a moment.
“Oh, you’re here too?!” I exclaimed in surprise and began walking towards him.
Even though we hadn’t been in touch for a long time, our conversation flowed as if we had picked up where we left off last time. We discussed about the twists and turns in our lives, our dreams, challenges, new adventures, and laughed at old stories.
The evening passed quickly, filled with cheerful chatter and humor. It was amazing to notice how the passage of time hadn’t changed the uniting chemistry between us.
Later at night, when it was time to say goodbye, we promised to keep in touch. Then, smiling, we went our separate ways, filled with warm memories and joyful moments we had shared that night.
-Eetu Häkkinen, NESUit from Jyväskylä

To wrap things up, let’s take a quick look back on our year.
Those are the words that first come to mind when thinking back on our time in the board. Around this time last year, when we were applying for the board, little did we know what kind of a ride was awaiting us – great times, new friends, and unforgettable experiences. And we are not even past the finish line yet. Our final, and perhaps the most anticipated sitzparty, is a traditional one, where people can bring a friend to the sitzparty with them. It will be held at the end of November. So far, we have organized three sitzparties, in all of which we’ve had a lot of attendees from different NESU-cities. That has truly been amazing to see, and we want to thank all of you for that!
The NESU-spirit is thriving here in Jyväskylä. It has been great to see that during the year, plenty of our members have actively attended in sitzparties all around Finland, Conferences, and even the excursion in Iceland.
We haven’t yet elected the board for next year, but seeing the enthusiasm towards NESU, we are more than sure that we will have great candidates, and that NESU-JKL will be in good hands. We are really looking forward to seeing what our next board will have in store for us!
And lastly, some important news: our Treasurer has been learning Spanish and he did quite well in the courses that he took.
With love,