Hello dear NESUS!
Our semester has started big time. We are now back at the University and all the fun stuff have started. The summer was fun and relaxing and also we did all kind of fun stuff with NESU like our cottage trip, played different outdoor games and prepared ourselves for the autumn.
Our orientation week started 1.9. We had many different checkpoints couple of the events of orientation week. We were also at KY-SUB´s Mursuship and held a checkpoint there.
We have a lot of new active mursus that are interested about NESU and that is really amazing. We have organized our two open meetings.
Last week we were at Lappeenranta with our new mursus. We were at NESU-Enklaavi´s sitz party. We really enjoyed the sitzparty and it was really exciting to go there. For couple of our mursus it was their first sitzparty ever so they were really excited that they can learn the sitz culture in a good hands.
Next week we are organisizing Halloween- sitz party on Friday. It is a traditional sitzparty for NESU-KY and we have a really scary theme. The theme for this sitzparty is Alcatraz prison and we think it will be so much fun.
NESU-KY is ready for the autumn and hope to see you all at our Halloween sitzparty next Friday!