Greetings from Tampere!
The year 2023 has started off nicely for NESU-Boomi. The whole board attended Dagens in Jyväskylä where we had the chance to get acquainted with all the new wonderful NESU boards around Finland. We also organized our first sitz party in February, Torimöyhöt. The sitz were a continuation to this year’s Winter Classic, an annual ice hockey tournament held between Boomi, Pörssi and Dumppi. The visiting of other cities’ sitz parties has also been quite active already and we are looking to bump those numbers up even more!
So, what will rest of the year look like for us? We are of course organizing four more sitz parties: Second sitz of the year will be a part of NESU-Finland’s Wappurundi. Third will be a practice sitz for our freshmen in autumn. Fourth, as the NESU Conference takes over Tampere we will of course organize the Nordic Evening sitz. Fifth and last, we will close the year off with a pre-christmas sitz party. Hoping to see many new and familiar faces in all the mentioned!
The main goal of our board this year is to continue activating our nesuits to ulkkarointi. It has been a joy to see many sitz parties with a lot of representation from NESU-Boomi already. In addition to the new students we want to encourage all the older students to ulkkarointi, whether they lost touch with NESU or never had the chance during the pandemic. We want everyone from Boomi to feel like they can go and have a good time in NESU sitz parties wherever they feel like going.

So, all the nesuits from Tampere; let’s have a year full of great ulkkari trips together. And all the other cities; see you at your next sitz party, we will be attending with numbers!
With love,
NESU-Boomi ‘23