Hi everyone!
I am Elvira Mäkinen, more commonly known as Elsu. I am just now starting the second year of my studies, and I know NESU will be a big part of this year as well. This fall I´ll even be organizing the NESU Autumn conference in Pori after having so much fun at the previous NESU Conference or “semma” that took place in Joensuu and Jyväskylä. Let me tell you a little bit about what the previous conference week contained.
The NESU Spring Conference week started in Joensuu on a beautiful Monday afternoon. We gathered to listen to the organizers talk about the different things we would be doing during the week and then we had some time to socialize and grab something to eat, before taking a bus to a cabin site. I knew so little about NESU going into the conference and was admittedly feeling a bit nervous seeing so many unfamiliar faces from so many different places, but that nervousness quickly faded away.
At the cabin we did a lot of fun things, such as playing different games to get to know each other a little better and having the best sitz party of my life. It was such a strange experience just having met these people an hour ago and already feeling like they were my best friends. We stayed up quite late having fun and when Tuesday morning came around it was time for our first case of the week.

During the conference week we had four cases, Tuesday morning we helped Kide.app brainstorm ideas on how they as a company could expand what they offer to their customers. On Wednesday the case was brought to us by RPS Brewing company and on Thursday it was time for case NESU. Our last case of the week was with Suomen Ekonomit and I´m still reminiscing about the amazing presentations that each team had. Who knew learning new skills could be fun? During these different cases all the conference goers were randomly assigned to different groups, and you had a chance to really get to know new people and learn from them and with them.

On Wednesday after our case, it was time for this incredible concept called the cityrun. We were again randomly assigned to different groups and had the best time of our lives. I highly recommend applying to the next NESU Conference, if not for anything else, then just to see what cityrun is all about. It was just simply too much fun for me to be able to put it into words

Thursday evening, we spent our time recovering from the shenanigans of Wednesday night and played some bingo at a local bar. I was still so utterly shocked at the fact that I had just made dozens of besties in just a few days. The friendships formed in NESU and during the conference week are some of the strongest friendships I have. The love I have for NESU for bringing me together with these great, talented and like-minded people is very strong and will continue to be so.
On Friday we took part in the Nordic Evening Sitz party organized by NESU-JKL. So many NESU actives from different places in one sitz party is an experience for sure. Everyone had their own traditions, and it was great to see them combined. The week ended in the best way possible, with a gorgeous Gala on Saturday. After an entire week of rolling around in our overalls it was great to see everyone dressed to the nines and enjoying the last conference night.

As you may be able to tell, the NESU Spring Conference 2024 was the best week of my life. It was my first semma but it will not be my last. I gained so much from the week, and I can´t wait to be able to give something back to NESU during the Autumn Conference. I hope to see you all there!
With love from Elsu <3