Hi NESUits and people with NESU state of mind!
It’s my turn to tell something about myself and my responsibilities as a Communications Coordinator. My name is Jenni Siivonen and I’m currently on my second year of studies in Oulu Business School. Thus, my home organization is NESU-Finanssi. I have been an active member of NESU for almost two years now and next I will tell how I ended up in NESU.
After participating in my first NESU sits in Jyväskylä in the beginning of my freshman year there’s been no turning back. Since then, I’ve been honored to be part of this amazing family what NESU is. When I had taken part in multiple NESU events I began to think how I could take more part in the activity and in that way I ended up applying to the board. Thanks to you, I got elected on the board.
My main responsibilities as a communications coordinator include maintaining this website and taking care of communication channels for example social media and e-mail. Yep, it’s me who is behind most of those lame jokes on Facebook and Instagram posts :D. A few times I have been on the edge of despair at 2am at night when I have had struggles with “nesunet”, but every time I have managed to fix the problems and usually with the help from my predecessors, so enormous thanks and hugs for you!
During these past 6 months I’ve learned a lot, not only about coding html or processing images but also about myself as a team player and problem solver. Luckily, we have an amazing board and of course we don’t agree on same ideas and things all the time but as a team have learned how to compromise.
In case a thought about applying to the next board has come to your mind, I most definitely encourage you to do that. And if any of you have questions about my position or any one elses, don’t be afraid to contact us. You can send us email, send a message on Facebook or just grab a hand in NESU events! You find contact information through this link. If you’re interested in our board’s doings or overall NESU’s happenings in Finland you can follow us on Facebook, Twitter (@nesufinland) and Instagram (@nesufinland)
With best regards,
Communications coordinator
NESU Finland 2015-2016