Stories About NESU – Part 3

Apologies in advance, for my story in NESU is still kind of short and yet to reach its prime. But hey, here goes nonetheless.

Let me take you back to Vaasa in the Autumn of 2017. I was a newly accepted student in a rather foreign city to me and didn’t have already existing friends or relationships there. So, as per usual, you go to all the activities that you can to make some new friends and as the months rolled by, this thing called NESU-Waasa’s info came up.

I went there and the presentation seemed cool, people were excited and since I hadn’t attended any NESU-events beforehand, I had no idea why it was such a popular group. During the evening I asked a few questions from my predecessors who kindly answered most of them, and I was informed that I could also visit other cities through NESU.

I was sold there and then. I felt like I could find a group of friends that I had looked for through NESU, and so I applied to become a member of NESU-Waasa’s board ’18. A couple of weeks later I received a phone call that informed me that I had been accepted to the board and would later assume the position as the head of communications in the board and that’s how I got started.

When thinking of or being asked about what NESU truly is, I look fondly back to the first few NESU-sitzparties and events that I attended and would summarize it as the feelings of euphoria those first few times. Sparks fly and you have butterflies in your stomach when you’re introduced to a whole new world of people and possibilities. That feeling is my best memory of NESU as a whole, and I feel like it’s something everyone should experience themselves.

BUT! To pick just one concrete moment or event that’d be my favorite, it has to be last summer’s sitz that was organized by NESU-Probba. Everything about it, from concept to weather, was exciting and great. It was held on a local beach and during breaks you could go to swim in the nearby body of water.

A perfect summer day to spend out having a blast singing songs with your mates? Definitely sounds too good to be true.

If you have your own story about NESU to share, please contact us board members of NESU Finland. We are eager to hear and share other stories also!

Best Regards,

Pyry Mustajärvi
NESU Finland ’18-’19