Best time of your life


NESU has a different meaning for everyone. On this page you can find different stories from different people who have loved their time with this organization. We publish these stories from time to time. If you want to share your story, please contact the board of NESU Finland or any other NESU-organization.

A video below is the first part in four-part series that was filmed during NESU Autumn Conference 2018 in Iceland. That shows a bit what NESU is all about.

NESU Experiences

Kristian Vainio

Stories About NESU – Kristian Vainio

En liten fågel satt en gång, och sjöng i furuskog. Han hade sjungit dagen lång, men dock ej sjungit nog. When I started my studies at the Vasa campus of…
blogitekstin kuva

Stories About NESU – Part 4

It’s hard to summarize everything NESU means to me and all the crazy, awesome and weird adventures it has pulled me into, but if you have a few minutes, I’ll…

Experiences from the Iceland Conference 2018