Greetings from Vaasa!
This year has been so far so good for NESU-Waasa. We have been super active and arranged four sitz parties already. One of the sitzs was arranged together with law students of Vaasa. We also attended to Dagens in the beginning of the year and to NESU-Conference. There we had an amazing representation from Vaasa. We are so pleased that we have many active Waasa-nesuits.
Our Wappu sitz were a great success and we gained a lot of good feedback from them. We were happy to see people from other cities to sitz with us. The overall vibe of the sitz was amazing. So, thank you for all that attended!
In five years, we hope that the sitz parties will be as lively as they are now in Vaasa. Of course, that means that we need to keep up the good name of NESU and maybe try to lure some new attendees with some new ideas. Like throwing sitz parties together with different cities to mix up the attended and to get people easier to see the student life in different NESU-cities.
We also hope that in five years Vaasa still has many active nesuits attending to different parties and events of NESU. To keep it that way we hope that in the future the branding and marketing of NESU would be developed and uplifted. In that way we can make sure that our parties will have students from all over the different NESU-cities and -countries.
Now that vappu is finally over the board of NESU-Waasa takes a little rest and gets ready for the upcoming fall. See you then!
Elena Koivu
NESU-Waasa ’24