Greetings from Jyväskylä!
This half a year has seen its ups and downs as NESU-Jyväskylä has been active arranging events and participating in sitz parties and events in other NESU-cities. Unfortunately, our board has not stayed the same and we are hopefully going to see new faces on our board. Nonetheless we are looking forward to what the other half of the year is going to be offering and what we can bring to the table!
This Spring has been quite busy as we have organized two sitz parties, a buss trip to Kuopio sitz, alcohol free sledding day and took part in Joenkylä Semma. The positive feedback from our sitz parties, the gratitude from helping out with Semma and the smiles we have seen during our events is something that makes being a part of NESU worth it. In five years, we hope to see the same amount, or even more, happiness and good vibes in NESU-Jyväskylä.
Our goal at the start of the year was to utilize corporate cooperation and gain sponsors for our events. We succeeded in this quite well as we have been able to offer extra consumables in our events 😉 and gained two permanent deals that our members can use whenever. In five years, we would like NESU-Jyväskylä to gain more visibility in the eyes of businesses via proper usage of social media. Business deals could make NESU-Jyväskylä more independent and get a bigger budget to organize quality events. In the future NESU-Jyväskylä board will hopefully gain members that are enthusiastic to look for these deals.
Jyväskylä has two business student associations and NESU-Jyväskylä could in the future be a place where these two associations can come together and have fun. Of course, “ulkkaris” from other cities cannot be forgotten about and keeping Jyväskylä on the map is a great goal for the next five years.
This coming summer the board is going to be getting some well needed rest and plans to start the next semester by attending the traditional Kesämöksä. Catch you later!
Martti Tervanen
NESU-Jyväskylä ‘24