NESU-KY in 5 years

Greetings from NESU-KY!

Half a year is behind us, and the feeling is amazing! It has been wonderful to meet new people and organize a variety of successful events together.

The year started with Dagen, where we had a super fun time and it was great to get to know other NESU members. During the spring NESU-KY has also participated in other events, which has been nice.

We have a lot of members (10 board members and 50 active members), and as a result, we are able to organize large and high-quality events! Earlier this year, we organized sitz with law students from the University of Helsinki, as well as our Annual Ball sitz and Wappusitz. In addition to these sitz parties, we organized the Wappu Terrace event, which had up to 1500 participants! To kick off the summer, we also managed to arrange a relaxed hangout event with our wonderful partner, Helsingin Ekonomit.

So, how do we want to develop our activities? In five years, we want the responsibilities among NESU-KY members to be distributed more evenly. As mentioned above, we have many members, so it is sometimes challenging to get every member equally involved. Secondly, we would like to increase closer cooperation with other NESU cities and NESU Finland! In the future, we aim to welcome more members from other NESU cities to our events and actively engage in events organized by those cities as well.

Now we are taking a summer break and will be back in the fall. We can’t wait! Have a wonderful summer everyone <3

With love,



Netta Ranta
