Something old, something new: NESU-HEBS


Snowy greetings from NESU-HEBS!


Our year has been filled with fun sitzi parties and student events at our beloved campus and all around Finland. Something old, something new… This time old and new curl around all the memories from this year. I asked our NESU-HEBS 2022 board and our active students to tell me a little bit about their dearest NESU memories. These pictures and events, among other things, rose up multiple times!


NESU-HEBS started the year with our lovely student union’s traditional cabin weekend and the year’s first (remote!) sitzi party followed by a fun sitzi in Hämeenlinna in January. These events kickstarted the year with a lot of excitement and enthusiasm, which went on with planning and organizing the pre conference sitzi and having an amazing time with so many nesuits from around the NESU cities. Our students’ favourite events took place all around Finland and almost every city was represented: from Vaasa to Lappeenranta, and of course NESU Finland’s traditional Kesämöksä in Orimattila.


One thing all the beloved memories had in common was this: the NESU spirit. The unique sitzi etiquette with all the songs and programs, the jokes and anecdotes, and unforgettable memories created together with our own uni’s students and students from other cities. NESU means a sense of being at home, laughing until tears, and sharing and caring. <3


After organizing and celebrating the last lovely events of the year, NESU-HEBS’s Annual Ball sitzi and HEBS’s Annual Ball, we would like to thank everyone for a memory-rich year, wish you happy holidays and an amazing 2023!

